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What are the classification and characteristics of Nickel-based corrosion resistant alloys?

Nickel-based alloy is a kind of alloy with high strength and oxidation corrosion ability at 650 ~ 1000℃. According to the main properties, it is subdivided into nickel base heat resistant alloy, nickel base alloy, nickel base alloy, nickel base precision alloy and nickel base shape memory alloy. According to the different matrix, superalloy can be divided into iron superalloy, nickel superalloy and cobalt superalloy. Nickel-based superalloy is referred to as nickel-based alloy.

The main alloy elements of nickel base corrosion resistance are copper, chromium and molybdenum. With good comprehensive performance, can withstand various acid corrosion and stress corrosion. The application (produced in 1905 in the United States) is nickel copper (Ni-Cu) alloy, also known as Monel (Monel alloy Ni70Cu30); In addition, there are nickel chromium (Ni-Cr) alloy (that is, nickel base heat resistant alloy, corrosion resistant alloy in corrosion resistant alloy), nickel molybdenum (Ni-Mo) alloy (mainly refers to Hastelloy B series), nickel chromium molybdenum (Ni-Cr-Mo) alloy (mainly refers to Hastelloy C series) and so on. At the same time, pure nickel is also a typical representative of nickel-based corrosion resistant alloys. These nickel-based corrosion resistant alloys are used to manufacture components for corrosion resistant environments such as petroleum, chemical and electric power.

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