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Method for quality identification of electric heating wires

The working principle of electric heating wire

The working principle of electric heating wire is the same as that of other metal heating elements, which are the electric heating phenomenon after the metal is energized. Electric heating means that after the current passes through the conductor, the current will generate some heat and be transferred out by the conductor. The electric heating wire itself is a metal conductor, which will emit heat and provide heat energy after being energized.

Quality identification method of electric heating wire:

So the first thing to know is that the wire gets to a red hot state and that has to do with the organization of the wire. Cut off a section of heating wire. With an 8V 1A transformer, the resistance value of the heating wire or electric blanket should not be less than 8 ohms, otherwise the transformer will be easy to burn. With 12V 0.5A transformer, the resistance value of the electric heating wire can not be less than 12 ohms, otherwise the transformer is easy to burn out. If the electric heating wire reaches the red hot state, the redder the better, the transformer of 8V 1A should be used, its power is larger than that of 12V 0.5A transformer. In this way, we can also better test out the advantages and disadvantages of electric heating wire.

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